I'll update you on my recent recipes and a cool link I find here and there...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Intro: And 2 plus 2 equals blog!

Intro: Whaaat's the deal with this?....aaaaaaand SUMMER!

So what is this??? This is a blossoming story about how, as a rising junior in college chillin over the summer, I go from not cooking at all to cooking a meal every night...with the recipes and breaks from such recipes...the "amaaazing" to the "ohh eff freakin gross" to the "whaaat the eff iss this??????". Hear about updates on my story by following on twitter. Expect the recipe and video about the meal I made with every post and you follow me through...well I have no idea what's going to happen with this food. But I've gotta eat. Let's do thiiis!! (Lerooy Jenkins!)

A rising Junior at Loyola U in Maryland (Accounting Major, IS Minor) from Syracuse, NY living someplace other than home for the first summer.Nbd, I'm ready to rock!

What is a big deal is PAYING FOR FOOD! I have been fortunate enough to have a pops who can support my housing (and the grades to allow my rents to loan me a car for the summer). Personal Finances is not a particularly pressing issue...but I like money a little so I'll look to save it (and I am studying abroad in Beijing in the fall, so I need to keep a few bucks around...)

The cost of food on campus here is abso-freakin-lutely ridiculous! Were talking conservatively $10-$20 a day on food. Epicly uncool. Cue cooking my own food to stay alive.

I don't cook. Not a lot at all. I have a brain, so I can, I just haven't been. Pancakes and french toast are as complicated as it gets. I learned how to make an egg appropriately last summer. So, cook a meal every night I am home (haha wow, in the dorm...lol hometown in Syracuse)? What say we make it happen?!!!

My roommates look as if they are jumping on board. I saw that Julia Chiles movie with them and while volunteering I found a book with "1001" recipes. This combined with living a college summer and starting to cook my own meals is simple addition. 2+2+2=blog. Done.

So, check the recipes, poke around at the videos, keep up with my life, and, like a freshly cooked meal...enjoy!