Chapter 5: Sushi hamburgers...
... turned out being a semi fail.
Burgers with watever goodness you want in them (we added salsa, chili sauce, and crushed up crackers.) grill them up in a skillet then the recipe from 1001 recipes says to boil them in chicken broth...
...I don't know how this is supposed to make them better. Sure, broth is salty but burgers are fatty. A wise man told me there are two things that make food TASTE GOOD: salt and fat. To boil in water and chicken broth is to lose the fat. We tested three guinea pig burgers and they burgers tasted like communion host (cardboard). The burgers without boiling beforehard were Deeee-lishious!
Now we tried the rice to make the sushi-like burgers...yeah, it could've been the fact that the rice wasn't sticky enough or because the pan was so full of burger grease and burger residue chucks the rice just didn't cook to the burger fabulously. It was still alright, but stickier rice and fried in oil are definitely what I would do next time. We still have a bunch of burgers to make a party in my taste buds, akuna matata!
Look at how open Greg is when the cameras off (how cuute!) lol